Massacre de 220 raies Mobula mobular à Gaza / Slaughter of 220 Mobula mobular rays in Gaza

– Videos show fishermen disembarking rays of a boat,
– for a mass stranding, the rays are a little too well aligned on the beach,
– Finally, the rays have been debited on the beach and then quickly sold at market Gaza. If it was a mass stranding, rays should not have been consumed at least without investigating the causes of death of the animals.
No evidence, no charge. And no need to talk about.These rays have not been seen on Palestinian coast for over 6 years. The Mobula ray can reach 5 m wingspan and weigh 80 kg. They travel in schools of several hundred animals. They are endangered and protected by the Barcelona Convention, or at least, they should be protected …
When is going to be set up an international force to protect efficiently biodiversity? We need to act before it is too late …